Date: 29/06/2024 The following committee is in existence at BSSS IAS 01. Dr. Jessy John, HoD, BSSS IAS Chairperson 02. Dr. Atul Dubey, Asstt. Professor, BSSS IAS Member 03. Dr. Vijay Panse, Faculty, BSSS College Member 04. Mr. Ranjit K., Sr. Executive Member 05. Ms. Jewel Kent, Officer In-charge (Admin) Member 06. Ms. Amisha Karketta, MBA Batch 2023-25 Student Member 07. Ms. Alisha Sara Shibu, MBA Batch 2023-25 Student Member 08. Mr. Harsh Jain, MBA Batch 2023-25 Student Member Name of the Contact Person: Dr. Jessy John, HoD, BSSS IASContact No.: +91 (755) 2921781 Extn. 220E-mail: