Field Work & Live Project
The MBA Programme is spread over the four semesters and involves one fieldwork practicum during the first semester. Fieldwork being one of the very components of the curriculum is also frequently revisited to make it sync with the theoritical instructions imparted during the semester. The fieldwork practicum is designed in a manner to enable students to relate theoretical inputs in each semester with practical situations in the field and to get acquainted with the problems and challenges of the people at the grassroots level. The enduring supervision provided both in the agency and by the concerned faculty guide will enrich the students in becoming competent in terms of practice. The synchronization of theory and practice will enable the student to imbibe components essential to harmonize oneself in becoming a professional.
Fieldwork Objectives

- To enable students to get rid of inhibitions/ apprehensions in interacting with the professional world.
- To enhance and harness leadership skills.
- To provide opportunities for students to explore themselves to become agents of social change.
- To acquaint the students with rural/ grass root realities and issues.
- To provide an experience of group living and hence to develop an understanding of group dynamics.
- To provide an opportunity for the students to organise themselves in the planning and execution of tasks.
- To enable the students to develop skills for identifying and mobilizing resources.
- To develop the skills to document observations and nurture reporting skills.
- To develop skills to network, organise and adapt to the changing needs and expectations of the world.
- To develop an in-depth understanding of the nature, structure & functioning of the organisation.
- To develop an understanding of human behaviour in work situations.
- To develop a professional attitude in dealing with problems at the grassroots level.
- Develop a professional identity and commitment consistent with social work values and ethics.
- To get in-depth knowledge about the working Small Help Groups (SHGs) and the Community Development activities at the grassroots level.