
Admissions 2025

Training 2025




The BSSS IAS Student Life program provides opportunities and supports extra-curricular programming to supplement academic courses. Academic clubs, civic clubs, social clubs, recreational clubs and other student activities are part of Student Life. Every student looks forward to life at the college campus – a second home to explore and refine his or her passion. BSSS IAS provides opportunities for its students to discover themselves. Students Clubsare formed for the students who want a chance to pursue their diverse passions beyond the classrooms. Some groups are built for academic pursuits while others focus on shared interests and hobbies.

The guidelines are designed for students interested in forming or participating in any club of BSSS IAS. For further information, contact the Chairperson – Students Affairs.

Nature Club

Nature Club will work tirelessly to add up its contribution to improve the challenging environmental conditions. The coordinators and club members have to undertake various environmental friendly activities like tree plantation, campaigns against noise and air pollution and awareness campaigns amongst the society like “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle”, “Swach Bharath Abhiyan” and “Save Water”.

Unnat Bharat Abhiyan


Under the committee of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan a visit was held on January 26, 2024, forty students from the BSSS IAS MBA batch 2023–25 with two faculty members and two non-teaching members visited to the village Dhandhar district Raisen M.P. on Republic Day. The following activities were commenced by the students during their visit: Plantation drive, Awareness on women health and hygiene and Importance of education to primary school children.

Best Out of Waste


On December 14, 2023, student member MBA batch 2023-25 of Nature’s club of BSSS IAS hosted an event titled “Best Out of Waste” exclusively for in-house students. The objective of organizing this event was to bring together a diverse assembly of talented individuals to display their remarkable creations crafted from commonly overlooked items. Ranging from discarded materials to everyday objects, the event emphasized the infusion of creativity and a dedication to sustainability.

Movie Club

The Movie Club aspires to cultivate an interest in identifying management movies and to offer a platform to undertake student panel discussions and reviews, invite personalities from entertainment industries, participate in film festivals, etc., to inculcate critical and creative thinking traits in students.



The Saturday DHAMAL event held on 23rd September at BSSS IAS was a resounding success, seamlessly blending entertainment and education. The movie masterclass, titled “Movie Masterclass Unleashes Brilliance,” featured the film “Ford v Ferrari” and provided attendees with a captivating case study in management and leadership.

Sports Club

Sports Club is formed to provide opportunities for students to participate in a variety of sports and physical fitness and recreational activities. This club organizes all the sports events – the major one being the “HIT Championship League”, a 3-day sports tournament.

Sports Week


BSSS IAS successfully conducted a vibrant Sports Week from January 31st to February 3rd, 2024. MBA students of batch 2023-25 meticulously organized event featured spirited Badminton, Basketball, and Volleyball Tournaments, creating an electrifying atmosphere that showcased the athletic prowess of our students.

Sports Activity


Two days of sports activity from October, 10th -11th 2023 organized by MBA Batch 2022-23 and 2024-25 of BSSS IAS. Under these activities, various Indoor games and competitions are executed on the campus. The campus reverberated with the enthusiasm of our students as they engaged in spirited matches, underscoring the commitment to sportsmanship and excellence.

Cultural Club

This club organizes all the cultural activities of the institute, including plays, dramas, music, etc. At the club, students get an opportunity to display their talent and aspire to cultivate an interest in various genres of art. The club conducts music workshops and invites students to explore their talent in cultural celebrations, college fests, events, and other activities.

Aa Ja Nach Le


A spectacular event of Garba-Dandiya Fusion at BSSS IAS. The Cultural Club hosted ‘Aa Ja Nach Le’ on 17th October 2023, at 3:15 PM in Mother Teresa Hall, and it was nothing short of amazing. In addition to the dance competition, there was also a ‘Best Reel Making Competition’ in collaboration with BSSS Rhythm where students will showcase their creativity on YouTube, vying for the highest likes and views for their reels for the next fortnight.

Freshers Party

26-08-2023 MBA Batch 2022-24 is proposed to celebrate FRESHERS PARTY for MBA Batch 2023-25 on Saturday, 26th August, 2023. Various cultural programs are organized by the students:
  1. Group dance,
  2. Games,
  3. Tug of Wars,
  4. Group song,
  5. Drum performance and
  6. Fashion Show

Brand Mantra Club

Brand Mantra Club club was formed with the purpose of supplementing classroom learning with knowledge sharing and practical experience. It is the testing and learning ground for all the marketing enthusiasts at BSSS IAS. The club tries to analyze the marketing strategies of many successful MNCs in various domains and use these learnings to solve real-life problems. The club also organizes guest lectures by leaders in the marketing arena and organizes various marketing competitions like branding, Ad war events, case study analysis, etc.

Brandophile A Corporate Walk Fiesta


On November 7, 2023, an event was organized by the Brand Mantra club “Brandophile A corporate Walk Fiesta” for in-house students to enhance their knowledge about the CSR activities adopted by different brands to fulfill their social responsibilities. The objective behind conducting this event was to help the students to learn CSR activities with the flavor of corporate attire display.

The Thinking Hats Club

Thinking Hats club is a platform run by BSSS IAS students to encourage everyone to think out of the box. The club provides a platform to all budding managers to ideate new business opportunities through workshops, guest lectures, brainstorming, discussion and mentorship. It provide an avenue to look for solutions beyond the predictable.

Expressathon : Where Thoughts Take Flight


The Thinking Hats Club, BSSS IAS, presented an Extempore Competition for the MBA Batch 2023-25 on 23rd Jan 2024 at 3:15 pm in Mother Teresa Hall for an exhilarating showcase of spontaneity and logical thinking.



BSSS IAS orchestrated a remarkable intellectual spectacle with the successful organization of Case Quest 2024 on January 11th for the Batch 2023-25. The event was graced by esteemed executives, including Dr. Father John P.J., Mr. Kuriakose Emmanuel, and the respected HOD, alongside distinguished faculty members, staff, and enthusiastic students.

The Fin Win Club

The FIN WIN Club aims to promote and boost interest in the area of finance and related activities and careers among the students community. It will serve the students by providing them with a professional, social and educational focus through seminars, guest lectures, workshops and simulation games like mock trading.

Fin-Quest 2.0


On December 19, 2023, students of MBA batch 2023-25 of the Fin-Win club of BSSS IAS hosted an event titled “Fin-Quest 2.0” exclusively for in-house students. Fin-Quest 2.0 was an engaging event that took participants on an insightful voyage through finance and accounting.

Biz Wiz Club

The club’s focus lies on business quizzing. The club acts as a window to the business world, its current affairs, history, and origins, and if one can extrapolate, one will get a glimpse of what makes great companies ‘great’. The club prepares students for various inter-college and corporate competitions.

Brain Battle


Students of the Biz-Wiz club of MBA batch 2023-25 of BSSS IAS organized a Quiz competition for in-house students on 30th January 2024.

The Chanakya Club

The Chanakya Club aims to inculcate strategic thinking and help students develop analytical & consultative skills. Team Chanakya as we call it, is the mastermind behind quantifying managerial acumen of BSSS IAS students. The core of the club lies in extracting strategic thought from the students through interactive case studies and live discussions in the class.

Panel Discussion on “Indian Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: A Roadmap Ahead”


On October 14, 2023, a thought-provoking roundtable discussion, jointly hosted by the Chanakya Club and Institute Innovation Council of BSSS IAS, offered a valuable window into India’s entrepreneurial landscape, accompanied by guidance for success.

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